Saturday, May 5, 2018

Repairing a broken warp thread

Broken warp strings happen to everyone, and there are multiple ways to repair them.  This is my preferred method.

In this instance, I broke two threads at the same time.

First, I shift the broken section attached to the weaving into the weft channel, so it can be trimmed later.  Then I remove the other section of string from the warp, but leave it tied, so if needed, it can be used to replace another broken string, if it is long enough.  I add a pin to use as an anchor for the replacement thread.

I tie a new string to the beginning of the warp, then run it around the pegs, and through the empty hole in the card where the broken thread was.  Then I wrap it around the pin to hold it in place.

After a few passes, I remove the pin, and use a needle to run the thread end into the weft channel and out the side, where it can be trimmed off.

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